60s Shift Dress

60s shift dress

I’ve been working on this 60s shift dress on and off for the past few months.
Finally finished!

Pattern McCall's 9406 from 1968

McCall’s 9406 from 1968

Fabric Black and red boucle that I found on sale at Hancock Fabrics in Madison, WI. This was probably a really poor choice—it unraveled instantaneously, was difficult to work with, and shed shreds all over my apartment. I decided to make the neck facings and finish the sleeves with a cotton paisley, because the boucle was so bulky.

Black and red boucle that I found on sale at Hancock Fabrics in Madison. This was a terrible idea. It unraveled instantaneously, was difficult to work with, and disintegrated into shreds all over my apartment. Because the boucle was so bulky, I decided to make the neck facings and finish the sleeves with a red cotton paisley.


In addition to the fabric struggles, there was one supremely terrifying moment when, just after deliberately and painstakingly installing the zipper, I pulled the zipper tab right off the top of the unfinished garment. A panic attack, a temper tantrum, and a few zipper-repair youtube videos later, I managed to re-thread the zipper from the bottom. I only had to snip a few stitches. HUGE sigh of relief.

In addition to the fabric struggles, there was one supremely terrifying moment when, just after deliberately and painstakingly installing the zipper, I pulled the zipper tab right off the top of the unfinished garment. A panic attack, a temper tantrum, and a few youtube videos on zipper repair later, I managed to rethread the zipper from the bottom. Huge sigh of relief.

Voila – finished product.

I really do like how it finally turned out though!

I really do like how it finally turned out!

Muy Megan Draper, no?